Links to Bengal Tiger (Panthera tigris tigris) pictures

Here are the pictures of Bengal Tiger (Panthera tigris tigris) with links to the pages on which they appear, links to the full sized picture, and the description of the picture with links to the entry in iNaturalist (

All pictures are © Dr. Günther Eichhorn, unless otherwise noted.

India Nature
Panthera tigris tigris
Bengal Tiger (Panthera tigris tigris, german: Königstiger, french: Tigre du Bengale) yawning. This was the first tiger that I saw. I thought it couldn't get any better than this, but it did. (1044k)
India Nature
Panthera tigris tigris
Bengal Tiger (Panthera tigris tigris, german: Königstiger, french: Tigre du Bengale) on the prowl. (1105k)
India Nature
Panthera tigris tigris
This Bengal Tiger (Panthera tigris tigris, german: Königstiger, french: Tigre du Bengale) was about 1 meter (3 feet) from the left foot of the elephant, staring right at us. (1283k)
India Nature
Panthera tigris tigris
The Bengal Tiger (Panthera tigris tigris, german: Königstiger, french: Tigre du Bengale) was checking us out because we were getting close to her kill. (1463k)

Links to Panthera tigris tigris on
© Dr. Günther Eichhorn
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*Soaring website